How to Stop a Plumbing Leak

Most plumbing leaks in the households are as a result of poor plumbing in the initial outlay of piping.  To avoid a lot of cost repairing the leaks, always invest in the best way in your piping and give it your level best for success.

plumber repairing a plumbing leak

However, several options would help in stopping a plumbing leak as outlined below.

  1. Draining the water

Get to the main valve of your house and lock it. This will prevent any water from passing through the pipes and drain them to assist in further repair.  Open up the faucets to ensure that the pipes are completely dry them.

Remove any corrosion in the Elbows to give way for repairs. Remove the old solder by using heat and ensure it melts completely to leave a clean surface.

Solder the leaking surface anew. To confirm that the soldering is complete, there should be a shiny ring around the joints.

Open the main valve once again and allow the water to pass through and confirm that the leak is no more.

Should the leak continue purpose to replace the entire elbow and cut it off? Replace with a new one by soldering it to the piping once more, and this should prevent leaking as the whole.

At times you may compare the price of the elbow and find it more expensive or even an ineffective way of replacing it.

You may consider replacing the elbow with a tee joint which will still work perfectly. Ensure that on the side of the Tee is completely blocked by the piping screws to avoid leakage at the tee joint position.

  1. Installing a Flow Sensor

This is another way of stopping a plumbing leak whereby the sensor automatically detects any leaks and puts off the water from flowing in the house until the leak has been cleared. Installing the sensor can greatly contribute to fewer costs in the future. Imagine getting in a house and finding water all over if there was no sensor; the cost of repair and other damages will all be prevented, and as such, it’s wise to install a sensor.

  1. Adding Pipe insulation

In a bid to stop pipes from freezing in the cold parts of your house especially during winter, install pipe insulations, and this helps to shorten the wait for the hot water.

The parts that are most affected include the basements and the garages.

  1. Installing Shutoff Valves

Install a shut-off valve to allow water to flow in other parts of the house as you give way for repairs. This will minimize any inconveniences in case there was a need to use water in some areas of the house.

  1. Fix the leaks as soon as they occur

To prevent further damage and possible corrosion, always fix the damages as soon as they occur. By doing this, you will reduce the costs of major damages that may occur or demand an overhaul of the piping system in the house. Be on the lookout to ensure that any possible form of a leak is well attended immediately. Would you like to contribute to our plumbing magazine? Contact us with your details and we’ll get back to you after reviewing your application.